DCIS - eCorp

Delaware Corporations Information System

File Number Entry

Please enter your Business Entity File Number below to start filing your Annual Report or Pay Taxes.

Need your business entity number? Search for your business by name

Please enter a 7 digit Business Entity File Number ( Required)

Please also enter your 15 digit saved session ID number below
(only if you have previously saved a session)

This portal is intended for Annual Report filing and tax payments for Corporations and Alternative Entities. The Division of Corporations strictly prohibits mining data. Excessive and repeated searches that may have a negative impact on our systems and customer experience are also prohibited. Use of automated tools in any form may result in the suspension of your access to utilize this service.

For help filing your annual report, call: 302-739-3073, Option 3, or click below

Delaware.gov | System Status - Tax Instructions

DCIS - eCorp Allowed Characters

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